My SIL and I got to sit down for an hour or two on Sunday and throw together a couple scrapbook pages. Here is my work.
Some Weekend Scrapping
Water Sports....
Jeremy's parents were down for the week and we had a great time with them at the lake. Here is a snapshots Pop took of Marlee and I on the tube. Pop said, "You decide who is having fun?"
Marlees expression is priceless.
Have a wonderful day!!
A little bit of fun for your day...
What is your Pirate Name?

Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
part of the network
Summer Fun...
We have been gearing up for The Walker Family reunion in July. Jeremy has been to Cabelas, Sportsman's Warehouse and everywhere in between, to purchase a tent, sleeping bags, an outdoor grill and many other comforts of camping. This is something that we haven't had much opportunity to enjoy together, but we both love camping so it should be a great time. I am looking forward to trying out some Dutch Oven cooking. Maybe I can WOW the family with some yummy desserts. I am getting so excited for our trip. The Walker fam is so much fun and I'm sure we will find tons to do in Island Park, Idaho. My babe probably wants to hit the river with his fishing pole and I am definitely up for that too. We will most likely end up driving through West Yellowstone and down to Dubois Wyoming to see Jer's aunt and that should be a great reunion too. We've already received confirmation that our reservation has been made at her house. I think she is looking forward to seeing Jeremy. They seem to have a special relationship.
Tomorrow we are taking all the little rugrats to the Living Planet Aquarium. It should be really fun. Heather, Nan, Pop and the kids are down from Montana and wanted to do something fun. I will post some pics this weekend.
Well it's about time...
I know what you are probably thinking....."where has Kristen been?"
Well I got married..
to the love of my life. It was the most wonderful day. Everything was perfect and a good time was had by all. I want to publicly thank all my family for the hard work they put into helping us with our wedding preparations. My Mom spent hours planning and arranging everything from decorations to venue and everything in between. All my sisters baked my cupcakes and frosted them, my brothers and Dads trucked endless amounts of stuff from the parking garage to the 3rd floor of the library. My in-laws purchased and sliced pounds of pounds of meat and cheese. My Sister-in-law made me the most beautiful bouquet and my Father-in-law took some great pictures to capture the memories for a lifetime.
We went on the most beautiful honeymoon to Riviera Maya, Mexico...
I will never forget the wonderful time that I had with my husband. It was an amazing experience and I'm glad that we had the opportunity to share it together. We did some things I never thought I would do. We fell in love with snorkeling after our first tour off the island of Cozumel. I found out what a real "Sir Cheapo" Jeremy is. Even the local merchants in Playa del Carmen were heckling him. We shared a shrimp taco from a roadside vendor and Jeremy tried to burn my taste buds with what he thought was guacamole, but turned out to be extremely hot sauce. But, man it was addicting and we of course had to have another.
And then the real married life began...
Look how hard he has got me workin' :-) No, seriously we were helping my sister and her boyfriend out. They needed a new concrete pad poured for their above ground swimming pool and a deck in their backyard. So the family banded together to knock it all out in a couple of weekends. It turned out beautifully. I can't wait to see their backyard with grass installed. It will be wonderful for their new little baby girl...
Welcome to the world Lillian Grace. She is such a beautiful little baby girl. I can't wait to watch her grow up into a lovely little lady. She has many, many people in her life to love and care for her along the way. Now be watching for cute little scrapbook pages and mini album with this little gals face all over them.
Ta Ta for Now!!!