A- Attached or Single? Very attached and committed
B- Best Friend? JEREMY! A close runner up is my Sis Amy
C- Cake or Pie? Pie, for sure
D- Day of Choice? Friday. It's my first day off for the weekend and I get a ton of work/cleaning done while the kids are at school.
E- Essential Item? Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Lotion and Body wash
F- Favorite Color? I love RED, but I'm trying to expand my horizons. I've takin' a liking to pink now.
G- Gummi Bears or Gummi Worms? Worms
H- Hometown? Provo/Orem area
I- Favorite Indulgence? A professional swedish massage and probably Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.
J- January or July? January. I love the snow and snowboarding
K- Kids? Marlee, Terrence, Jordin & Kenedy. Love em all tons
L- Life is incomplete without? My ENTIRE family
M- Marriage Date? No date yet!!!
N- Number of Brothers & Sisters? 4 brothers, and 2 sisters. 2 step brothers, ,and 1 step sister
O- Oranges or Apples? Oranges, I love anything citrus
P- Phobias or Fears? I'm afraid of being alone
Q- Quote? Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glorify of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
~ Marianne Williamson ~Quoted in the film Akeelah and the Bee
R- Reason to smile? Everyday I get to spend with my kids
S- Season of Choice? Spring or Fall...it's a toss up
T- Tag Three Friends-or more
U- Unknown Fact About Me? I only had 2 wisdom teeth!
V- Vegetable? Spinach
W- Worst Habit? Starbucks
X- X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasounds
Y- Your Favorite Food? I love any mexican dish
Z- Zodiac Sign? Libra
Tag I'm It
Provo Fire Kids Christmas Party Picture
We had the Old 9 fire engine at the kids christmas party this year. We set up the camera and took pictures of everyones families and kids and printed off cute 5 x7's with a christmas border. I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did.
We are thankful for...
Pop's yummy Turkey... Heather and Wyatt, what a cute kiddo...
hot tubs, to mellow the kids out before bed...
Uncle Jeremy and his baby rocking talent...Nan's cooking & shopping skills
a Pop's lap to fall asleep in..... and a big Family to have Thanksgiving dinner with.
I love you guys!
We're in Montana
Here we are in Dillon Montana. I love being here with Jeremy's family, getting to know them a little better each day. We are definitely a group that loves to cook. Jan and I just finished cleaning up in the kitchen for the 5th time today. We have made muffins, spaghetti lunch, fish tacos for dinner and pie for our Thanksgiving dessert. I can't wait until tomorrow. We will start the day off watching Pop prepare the turkey. I have plans to make a Cranberry Pear Chutney and some sort of Butternut Squash dish. Yummy!!!
Today I learned how to shoot a shotgun. We went up to a shooting range thst Pop and his fellow officers use for training. Jeremy bought this great little clay pigeon thrower and taught me how follow the path of the clay and squeeze the trigger. I only hit 3 or 4 out of 23 some odd shots, but I think I'm hooked. Pics to follow soon.
Passing it Down to my Girl
Marlee had a friend over this weekend and they made some lunch sack scrapbooks about "Friends." They did such a great job with color combinations and page accents. We just need more photos to put in their books. I will post pictures when they are complete.
I went to the Wildflowers scrapbook sale at the Spanish Fork Fairgrounds on Friday. I took $40 out of the ATM and spent $20 at Wildflowers and $20 at Die Cuts with a View's warehouse sale. I got some great stuff. I had a little bit of time this weekend to put some pages together with some of my new goodies.
The rest of the weekend was spent packing for Thanksgiving in Montana. I can't wait to pull out of the driveway and be on our way. I love how mellow Dillon is. That town just runs at a different pace then the rest of the world.
Terrence and I stayed home from school and work yesterday. We both have the bug and it is a nasty one. We managed to make it into the Dr's office around the lunch hour and he sent us away with antibiotics. YEAH!!! I am hopefully on the final leg of this nastiness, but I have been dealing with some of the symptoms since last Tuesday. Jeremy has been such a trooper, taking care of my whiny butt. Thanks babe, for all you do to make my life easier.
I had a chance to finish Kamryn's mini scrapbook over the weekend. I am very proud of the results. I can't wait to give it to her. I hope she loves it and cherishes it for many years. I poured my heart and creativity into it. I will post pictures of the final producte when I get home today.
The holiday rush is upon me......
I had this eerie feeling this morning when I got out of bed. I knew without a doubt that I had procrastinated my Christmas shopping AGAIN. Give me a break will you. This same thing happened last year and I swore up and down that I would get started early this year. At any rate, I will be strapped to my sewing machine and scrapbooking table for the next 35 days and beautiful gifts will abound.
We recently took a weekend jaunt to Henderson, NV to see my Dad. The weather was perfect down there. We had a great time getting to know his new girlfriend, Kathy. She is a lot of fun to be around. She took all the little girls and bought wigs for a Halloween party. From the looks of it, the adults had more fun with the wigs then the kids did. I don't know about you, but I think the mullet is just NASTY.

The kids found their own fun in the pool Grandpa had just put in. All the locals thought they were crazy for swimming in the 75 degree weather, but it's all relative. We've been dealing with near freezing temperatures in Utah so it was nothing to swimming a 70 degree pool. The back wall of the pool made a great stage for the kids to act silly and dance. There was an 8 a.m. (you couldn't stop them) show and a 10 p.m. (still full of energy) for our enjoyment.

What Year do you belong in?
This is kind of a fun site I found today. A little bit of mindless junk to cram in your brain. What's really funny about the year I belong in, is that I was only about 4 years old at that time. How much could I have possibly absorbed then? Anyway, the description fits me, I think.You Belong in 1981
Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.
Here Goes.......
So this is my first time BLOGGING. I'm so excited about it. Prior to 3 months ago, I had no idea this massive world of bloggers even existed. My Mom started a blog to keep my extended family connected, but I had no idea this was so huge. It is amazing the array of subjects that people choose to publicize to the world. I will probably keep this blog updated with current family events. I will also publish photos, scrapbook pages, cards, crafty creations I come up with, etc.
I hope that you enjoy. Be sure to leave me some feedback, I'd love to know what you think.